Our kindergarten curriculum is aligned with Common Core State Standards for learning. Our curriculum is interdisciplinary, as we explore math, science and social studies, and English Language Arts.
The mathematics curriculum in both kindergarten and first grade engages the children in hands on activities. They are involved in using many types of concrete manipulatives to strengthen numeral recognition, problem solving and reasoning skills.
Kindergarten Math Topics Include:
Numbers and Number Formation 1-20
Sorting one way and more than one way (shapes, coins, objects)
Money (basic introduction to penny, nickel, dime, and quarter)
Addition (basic introduction)
Subtraction (basic introduction)
English Language Arts (ELA)
In Kindergarten, children will progress through developmental stages to strengthen their reading readiness skills. They will be given the opportunity daily to listen to quality literature, observe, predict, and express themselves and to interact with their peers, in a language rich, child-centered environment.
Kindergarten ELA Topics Include, but are not limited to:
Letters and Sounds
Listening attentively to read alouds
Write own name using upper case and lower case letters
Understand how to express themselves through oral communication
Follow simple directions
Use drawings to express feelings and ideas
Recall details in a story
Understanding tracking from top to bottom, and left to right
Draw meaning from picture cues
Identify some high frequency words
The Kindergarten Science program is centered on the five senses. Through hands-on explorations, children learn how to observe, predict and describe what they sense. Scientific concepts are taught as part of an integrated curriculum.
Kindergarten / First Grade Multiage Curriculum Topics Include:
Monarchs (making observations, life cycles, representing what we see)
Five Senses
Apples and Pumpkins
Animals in Winter
Water Play
Plants, Gardens, and Nature
Kindergarten Health Topics Include:
Functions of the Body, Growth, and Development
Nutrition and Physical Fitness
Illness Prevention
Self Worth
Bullying and Violence Prevention
Social Studies
The Kindergarten Social Studies curriculum focuses on self-awareness and the world around us. Students come to Kindergarten with different backgrounds and experiences. Our curriculum encourages children to think independently while respecting the opinions of others. Children learn about themselves, their family, their school and their community as part of the integrated Kindergarten Curriculum.
Topics Include:
My Family
Family Traditions (Holidays)
Native Americans and Pilgrims
My Friends
My Community
My World